510600 广州,南方医科大学第三附属医院(广东省骨科医院)骨科(樊仕才)
Application of the clinical pathway of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in trauma and orthopedics
Department of Orthopedics, the First People’s Hospital of Huizhou City, Huizhou 516003, China
Corresponding authors: Fan Shicai, E-mail:69568870@qq.com
Received: 2021-01-11 Online: 2021-06-15
目的 探讨加速康复外科(ERAS)临床路径在创伤骨科患者围术期中的应用效果。方法 选择行手术治疗的100例老年髋部骨折、中青年桡骨远端骨折及踝关节骨折患者为研究对象,根据围术期是否行ERAS将患者分为非ERAS组与ERAS组,每组各50例。比较2组患者手术情况、术后恢复情况、VAS评分和并发症发生情况。结果 2组术中出血量、手术时间比较差异均无统计学意义(P均> 0.05)。与非ERAS组相比,ERAS组的首次进食时间和下床活动时间较早,住院时间较短,非手术住院费用明显减少(P均< 0.001)。术后第24 h、48 h,ERAS组患者VAS评分均低于非ERAS组(P均< 0.001),2组术后72 h VAS评分比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。ERS组的术后并发症总发生率低于非ERAS组(P < 0.001)。结论 ERAS应用于创伤骨科手术患者围术期管理中,能够缓解患者术后初期疼痛感,减少并发症发生,有助缩短康复进程,减轻患者的经济负担。
Objective To evaluate the effect of the clinical pathway of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in the perioperative management of orthopedic trauma patients.Methods A total of 100 elderly patients with hip fracture, young-and middle-aged patients with distal radius fracture and ankle joint fracture were recruited in this study. All 100 patients were evenly divided into the ERAS and non-ERAS groups according to whether ERAS was performed during perioperative period. Surgical condition, postoperative recovery, VAS score and incidence of postoperative complications were statistically compared between two groups. Results Intraoperative blood loss and operation time did not significantly differ between two groups (both P > 0.05). Compared with the non-ERAS group, the first feeding time and out-of-bed activity time were significantly earlier, the length of hospital stay was remarkably shorter and the nonsurgical hospitalization expense was considerably less in the ERAS group (all P < 0.001). At 24- and 48-h after operation, the VAS scores in the ERAS group were significantly lower than that in the non-ERAS group (both P < 0.001), whereas the VAS score at postoperative 72 h did not significantly differ between two groups (P > 0.05). The incidence of postoperative complications in the ERAS group was significantly lower than that in the non-ERAS group (P < 0.001). Conclusions Application of the clinical pathway of ERAS in the perioperative management of patients undergoing orthopedic trauma surgery can significantly relieve postoperative pain, lower the incidence of complications, shorten the rehabilitation process, and reduce the economic burden of patients.
马晋, 钟浩博, 樊仕才.
Ma Jin, Zhong Haobo, Fan Shicai.
选择2018年9月至2019年3月在惠州市第一人民医院骨科行手术治疗的老年髋部骨折、中青年桡骨远端骨折及踝关节骨折患者为研究对象。病例纳入标准:①老年(≥65岁)髋部骨折患者,中青年(16 ~ 50岁)桡骨远端骨折及踝关节骨折患者;②经体格检查、X线或CT检查确诊为髋部骨折、桡骨远端骨折及踝关节骨折。排除标准:①合并其他部位骨折;②伤后时间超过3周;③伴有肿瘤转移性骨折、假体周围骨折;④伴有糖尿病及其他代谢性疾病、胃排空障碍、消化道完全性梗阻、重度心肾功能不全等疾病;⑤精神紊乱、酒精依赖、有药物滥用史。根据围术期是否行ERAS将患者分为非ERAS组与ERAS组,每组各50例,非ERAS组中,男36例、女14例,年龄59(23,78)岁,髋部骨折16例、桡骨远端骨折16例、踝关节骨折18例;ERAS组中,男33例、女17例,年龄59(20,79)岁,髋部骨折18例、桡骨远端骨折17例、踝关节骨折15例,2组患者的一般资料比较差异均无统计学意义(P均> 0.05)。本研究获得医院伦理委员会批准,且患者均已经签署知情同意书。
二、方 法
表1 非ERAS组与ERAS组围术期的处理
时 间 | 项目 | 非ERAS组 | ERAS组 |
术前 | 生理评估 | 根据患者实际病情和检查结果评估其手术风险及耐受性 | 常规评估手术风险和耐受性,并对于有内科合并症患者要求相关科室会诊制定围术期诊疗方案,另加强营养状况评估,对于营养不良者,要求营养科门诊制定营养支持方案 |
健康教育 | 书面告知患者、家属手术过程、手术风险及相关配合事项 | 利用宣传册、微视频告知患者疾病、切开复位内固定术相关知识以及手术流程、手术安全性、术后可能并发症及处理、成功案例等,并介绍ERAS的相关内容、具体实施步骤等 | |
术前用药 | 术前预防性使用抗生素,常规予麻醉前用药 | 术前预防性镇痛用药。但不使用镇静、抗胆碱药物,对于术前情绪紧张患者,予以短效抗焦虑药 | |
消肿治疗 | 不处理 | 术前使用药物或者物理疗法促进患肢消肿,不推荐常规使用甘露醇 | |
抗血栓治疗 | 常规使用低分子肝素钠皮下注射抗凝 | 在使用药物抗凝的基础上鼓励患肢尽可能活动和肌肉的等长收缩 | |
饮食指导 | 术前禁食12 h,禁饮 6 h | 麻醉前禁食6 h,禁饮2 h | |
肠道准备 | 常规生理盐水灌肠 | 不予以肠道准备,嘱患者低脂饮食 | |
压疮预防 | 无 | 根据实际情况尽量应用防压疮垫并进行规范的防压疮处理 | |
牵引 | 予皮牵引或骨牵引 | 不予皮牵引或骨牵引 | |
尿管放置 | 术前放置尿管 | 术前不放置尿管 | |
术中 | 心理疏导 | 无 | 积极鼓励并安慰患者,以缓解其手术的紧张心理 |
术中保温 | 应用棉被保暖,手术室室温控制在20 ~ 25℃ | 在常规术中保温护理的基础上,对术中应用的输注液、冲洗液恒温保持37℃,且每1 h监测1次体温 | |
术中补液 | 术中不控制输液量、滴速 | 术中合理控制补液量和滴速,避免输注过多过高渗液,特别是含钠液体 | |
麻醉方法 | 全身麻醉 | 全身麻醉联合超声引导下区域阻滞 | |
术后 | 镇痛 | 麻醉消退后根据患者主诉予以阿片类镇痛药 | 麻醉消退前即开始予以患者自控持续镇痛,并在此基础上按流程进行阶梯化疼痛管理 |
饮食指导 | 待肛门排气后可适量饮水、流质饮食,逐渐过渡到普食 | 麻醉消退后可进饮,并逐步进食,逐渐恢复到普食 | |
早期活动 | 自愿活动 | 鼓励患者术后尽早功能锻炼和活动,术后即可开始肢体肌肉收缩练习,在患者情况允许下可以坐起活动;术后首日可开始下床活动,手术侧肢体可以在患者疼痛耐受范围内负重 | |
出院 | 出院标准 | 根据患者的意愿,或临床医师判断建议出院,无严格标准 | 术后患者体温、常规化验指标无明显异常、伤口愈合佳(引流管拔除、伤口无感染征象)、X线片提示手术效果满意、没有需要住院处理的并发症和(或)合并症等 |
包括:①对比2组术中出血量、手术时间、术后首次进食时间、首次下床活动时间、住院时间、非手术住院费用的差异;②对比2组患者术后第24、48、72 h疼痛情况。选用视觉模拟评价法(VAS)进行疼痛程度评估,其分值在0 ~ 10分之间,得分越高,表示疼痛越剧烈;③对比2组术后并发症发生情况,包括压疮、下肢静脉血栓、肺部感染、尿路感染等[3]。
使用SPSS 23.0处理数据。计数资料以例(%)描述,组间比较行x2检验或Fisher确切概率法。符合正态分布的计量资料以$\bar{x}\pm s$描述,组间比较行t检验,重复测量资料采用重复测量资料方差分析;非正态分布计量资料用M(P25,P75)表示,组间比较用Mann-Whitney U检验。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2组患者的术中出血量、手术时间比较差异均无统计学意义(P均> 0.05)。与非ERAS组相比,ERAS组患者术后首次进食及首次下床活动时间均较早、住院时间较短、非手术住院费用减少(P均< 0.05),见表2。
表2 ERAS组与非ERAS组患者的手术情况及术后恢复情况对比($\bar{x}\pm s$)
组 别 | 例数 | 术中出血量 (ml) | 手术时间 (min) | 术后首次进 食时间(h) | 术后首次下床 活动时间(d) | 术后住院时间 (d) | 非手术住院费用 (元) |
ERAS组 | 50 | 38.82±6.61 | 62.26±7.64 | 4.94±1.58 | 1.00±0.00 | 11.72±3.19 | 3974.82±587.75 |
非ERAS组 | 50 | 39.86±6.05 | 64.70±8.06 | 6.88±1.17 | 2.86±0.61 | 16.70±2.51 | 4833.30±635.75 |
t值 | 0.821 | 1.553 | 6.965 | 21.688 | 8.679 | 7.011 | |
P值 | 0.414 | 0.124 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 |
2组患者术后24、48、72 h的重复测量资料方差分析显示处理主效应与时间效应存在交互作用(F = 514.07,P < 0.001),因此采用t检验分析各时点间的组间差异。结果显示,ERAS组术后第24、48 h的VAS评分均低于非ERAS组(P均< 0.001),2组术后72 h VAS评分比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),见 表3。
表3 ERAS组与非ERAS组患者的术后VAS评分对比($\bar{x}\pm s$) 单位:分
组 别 | 例数 | 术后24 h | 术后48 h | 术后72 h |
ERAS组 | 50 | 2.68±0.96 | 1.98±0.71 | 1.84±0.62 |
非ERAS组 | 50 | 5.06±1.13 | 3.18±0.83 | 1.80±0.54 |
t值 | 11.351 | 7.775 | 0.346 | |
P值 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | 0.730 |
ERAS组术后仅有1例患者出现肺部感染,对照组出现压疮4例、下肢静脉血栓5例、肺部感染3例、尿路感染3例(无患者发生2种及以上并发症),ERAS组并发症总发生率低于非ERAS组(P < 0.001),见 表4。
表4 ERAS组与非ERAS组患者的术后并发症发生情况对比[例(%)]
组 别 | 例数 | 压疮 | 下肢静脉血栓 | 肺部感染 | 尿路感染 | 总发生 |
ERAS组 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 1(2) | 0 | 1(2) |
非ERAS组 | 50 | 4(8) | 5(10) | 3(6) | 3(6) | 15(30) |
P值a | 0.118 | 0.056 | 0.617 | 0.079 | < 0.001 |
ERAS理念由丹麦外科医师Kehlet首次提出,其主要是以循证医学、多学科协调为基础,促进患者术后快速康复的一种管理模式[4]。临床路径管理理念最早是在上世纪90年代提出且在全球范围内迅速普及应用,其在医疗服务中主要是根据临床诊治的时间节点,充分利用医院的硬件设施、人力资源对某一疾病的诊治流程进行规范化、标准化,以降低患者的治疗费用和医院的运行成本,使医患双方获益[5]。近年越来越多学者对ERAS在骨科手术中的应用进行跟进研究,并于2016年发表了《中国髋、膝关节置换术加速康复——围术期管理策略专家共识》[6]。这一指南为创伤骨科中普及ERAS奠定了基础。ERAS的有效开展需要手术室、麻醉科、临床科室的临床医师、护理人员密切配合,整合和多学科的医疗理念和医疗资源完成,可有效减少患者机体创伤应激,预防其并发症发生,进而加速康复进程[7,8]。本研究以循证医学证据为基础,将ERAS理念与临床路径相结合制定老年髋部骨折、中青年桡骨远端骨折及踝关节骨折患者围术期ERAS方案,充分将术前准备、术中管理、术后康复3个节点“环环相扣”,使医务人员能够高效率、高质量为患者提供医疗服务,有独特的临床优势。本研究也显示,与非ERAS组相比,ERAS组患者术后第24、48 h的VAS评分更低,且ERAS组术后并发症总发生率较低,首次进食时间、首次下床活动时间较早,住院时间较短,非手术住院费用明显减少,说明ERAS临床路径方案能够减轻患者术后痛苦,并可缩短其康复时间。
Prehospital fast track care for patients with hip fracture: impact on time to surgery, hospital stay, post-operative complications and mortality a randomised, controlled trial
[本文引用: 1]
Ambulance organisations in Sweden have introduced prehospital fast track care (PFTC) for patients with suspected hip fracture. This means that the ambulance nurse starts the pre-operative procedure otherwise implemented at the accident & emergency ward (A&E) and transports the patient directly to the radiology department instead of A&E. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is transported directly to the orthopaedic ward. No previous randomised, controlled studies have analysed PFTC to describe its possible advantages. The aim of this study is to examine whether PFTC has any impact on outcomes such as time to surgery, length of stay, post-operative complications and mortality. The design of this study is a prehospital randomised, controlled study, powered to include 400 patients. The patients were randomised into PFTC or the traditional care pathway (A&E group). Time from arrival to start for X-ray was faster for PFTC (mean, 28 vs. 145 min; p<0.001), but the groups did not differ with regard to time from start of X-ray to start of surgery (mean 18.40 h in both groups). No significant differences between the groups were observed with regard to: time from arrival to start of surgery (p=0.07); proportion operated within 24h (79% PFTC, 75% A&E; p=0.34); length of stay (p=0.34); post-operative complications (p=0.75); and 4 month mortality (18% PFTC, 15% A&E p=0.58). PFTC improved time to X-ray and admission to a ward, as expected, but did not significantly affect time to start of surgery, length of stay, post-operative complications or mortality. These outcomes were probably affected by other factors at the hospital. Patients with either possible life-threatening conditions or life-threatening conditions prehospital were excluded. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) for gastrointestinal surgery, part 2: consensus statement for anaesthesia practice
[本文引用: 1]
The present interdisciplinary consensus review proposes clinical considerations and recommendations for anaesthetic practice in patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery with an Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) programme. Studies were selected with particular attention being paid to meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials and large prospective cohort studies. For each item of the perioperative treatment pathway, available English-language literature was examined and reviewed. The group reached a consensus recommendation after critical appraisal of the literature. This consensus statement demonstrates that anaesthesiologists control several preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative ERAS elements. Further research is needed to verify the strength of these recommendations. Based on the evidence available for each element of perioperative care pathways, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society presents a comprehensive consensus review, clinical considerations and recommendations for anaesthesia care in patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery within an ERAS programme. This unified protocol facilitates involvement of anaesthesiologists in the implementation of the ERAS programmes and allows for comparison between centres and it eventually might facilitate the design of multi-institutional prospective and adequately powered randomized trials. © 2015 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Guidelines for perioperative care for liver surgery: enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) society recommendations
DOI:10.1007/s00268-016-3700-1 URL [本文引用: 1]
Fast-track program of elective joint replacement in hip and knee-patients’ experiences of the clinical pathway and care process
DOI:10.1186/s13018-019-1232-8 URL [本文引用: 1]
Adherence to a clinical pathway for video-assisted thoracic surgery: predictors and clinical importance
[本文引用: 1]
A bespoke clinical pathway is increasingly often used to expedite patient's recovery after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). The importance and predictors of adherence to a clinical pathway have not been previously investigated. A defined clinical pathway was used for the perioperative management of 136 consecutive patients receiving major pulmonary resection surgery. The clinical pathway encompassed multiple aspects of clinical care, including chest drainage, analgesia, mobilization, physiotherapy, investigations, etc. The cohort consisted of 76 males (56%), and had a median age of 61 years (range, 14-84). A single lobectomy was performed in 66 patients (49%), with sublobar or more complex resections performed in the remainder. Although all patients were intended for a VATS approach, VATS was ultimately used to complete the procedure in 113 patients (83%). It was impossible to adhere strictly to the clinical pathway throughout the hospital stay of most patients, with 83 patients (61%) found to have adhered to the clinical pathway for 50% or more or the duration of their in-hospital stay. The rate of adherence to the clinical pathway for 50% or more of the time was lower in patients who were male (31.6% vs 48.3%, P = 0.047); had a smoking history (25.9% vs 47.6%, P = 0.011); and did not have absence of pain immediately after surgery (33.9% vs 59.3%, P = 0.016). There were trends for poorer adherence among patients who had: age older than 65 years; previous tuberculosis; body mass index greater than 25 kg/m; and longer operation times-but these failed to reach statistical significance. The approach and extent of surgery did not influence clinical pathway adherence. Adherence for 50% or more of the hospital stay was associated with reduced mean chest drain duration (3.2 ± 1.7 vs 5.1 ± 5.0 days, P = 0.002) and mean length of stay (4.6 ± 1.9 vs 7.9 ± 6.6 days, P < 0.001). Among smokers, adherence for 75% or more of the hospital stay was particularly well predicted by better pain control on the day of surgery, and was in turn associated with a significant reduction in morbidity rate (7.7% vs 39.0%, P = 0.043). Good adherence to a detailed clinical pathway may ensure faster recovery after VATS but is often difficult to maintain postoperatively. Predictors of poor adherence include male sex, smoking history, and immediate postoperative pain. Smokers are at particular risk for failure to adhere but paradoxically have the most to gain from adhering to the clinical pathway.
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