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  新医学  2016, Vol. 47 Issue (10): 681-685  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9802.2016.10.007

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梅华鲜 , 李永胜 , 陈正平 , 黄中会 , 刘凤丹 . 2016. 毛细血管渗漏指数在脓毒症并ARDS早期诊断中的应用[J]. 新医学, 47(10): 681-685. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9802.2016.10.007.
Mei Huaxian , Li Yongsheng , Chen Zhengping , Huang Zhonghui , Liu Fengdan . 2016. Application of CLI in the early diagnosis of sepsis complicated with ARDS[J]. Journal of New Medicine, 47(10): 681-685. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9802.2016.10.007.




梅华鲜 , 李永胜 , 陈正平 , 黄中会 , 刘凤丹     
430030 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院急诊/重症医学科
摘要: 目的 探讨毛细血管渗漏指数(CLI)对于预测脓毒症患者并发ARDS的临床价值。 方法 回顾性分析ICU收治的脓毒症患者288例,检测患者入院时的CRP、血清白蛋白,并记录其余各项生理及实验室指标,根据是否并发ARDS分为ARDS组和非ARDS组,比较2组患者肺损伤预测评分(LIPS)、CLI有无差异,并行Logistic回归分析确定预测脓毒症患者并发ARDS的独立危险因素,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)法比较各指标对ARDS早期诊断的价值。 结果 ARDS组患者血乳酸、CRP、CLI、LIPS、APACHEⅡ评分及病死率均高于非ARDS组,白蛋白低于非ARDS组,差异具有统计学意义(P均 < 0.05)。多因素回归分析显示CLI、LIPS是预测脓毒症患者并发ARDS的独立危险因素。ROC曲线法分析显示CLI、LIPS预测ARDS的价值较大。CLI的AUC为0.807(95%CI 0.757~0.856),最佳截断点4.99,此时敏感度为86.3%,特异度为63.4%;LIPS的AUC为0.823(95%CI 0.775~0.870),最佳截断值为5.25,此时敏感度91.1%,特异度58.5%。 结论 CLI更简单易得,可以作为预测脓毒症患者并发ARDS的较好指标。
关键词: 脓毒症    急性呼吸窘迫综合症    毛细血管渗漏指数    预测指标    
Application of CLI in the early diagnosis of sepsis complicated with ARDS
Mei Huaxian , Li Yongsheng , Chen Zhengping , Huang Zhonghui , Liu Fengdan     
Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China
Corresponding author: Li Yongsheng, E-mail:ysli@tjh.tjmu.edu.cn
Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical value of capillary leakage index (CLI) in the prediction of sepsis complicated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Methods Clinical data of 288 sepsis patients admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU) of our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin and other psychological and laboratory indexes were collected upon admission. All patients were divided into the ARDS and non-ARDS groups. The lung injury prediction score (LIPS) and CLI were statistically compared between two groups. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the independent risk factors for sepsis complicated with ARDS. Clinical values of each index in the early diagnosis of ARDS were evaluated with the areas under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve (AUC). Results Compared with the non-ARDS group, the lactate level, CRP level, CLI, LIPS, APACHEII score and mortality were significantly higher whereas the albumin level was considerably lower in the ARDS group (all P < 0.05). Multi-variate logistic regression revealed that CLI and LIPS were the independent risk factors of sepsis complicated with ARDS. ROC curve analysis demonstrated that the values of CLI and LIPS in predicting ARDS occurrence were relatively significant. The AUC of CLI was 0.807 (95% CI 0.757-0.856). The optimal cut-off value was 4.99 with sensitivity of 86.3% and specificity of 63.4%. The AUC of LIPS was 0.823 (95% CI 0.775-0.870). The optimal cut-off value was 5.25 with sensitivity of 91.1% and specificity of 58.5%. Conclusions CLI is a simple and convenient index, which can be utilized to predict the incidence of sepsis complicated with ARDS.
Key words: Sepsis    Acute respiratory distress syndrome    Capillary leakage index    Predictor[1] Williams JP, Mcbride WH. After the bomb drops: a new look at radiation-induced multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Int J Radiat Biol, 2011, 87(8): 851-868.    


对象与方法 一、研究对象

选取2014年1月至2016年4月我院ICU收治的脓毒症患者288例,其中男168例、女120例,年龄18~98岁、中位年龄59岁。脓毒症的诊断参照2012年《国际严重脓毒症和脓毒症休克指南》[8]。排除年龄 < 18岁,住院时间 < 48 h的病例。ARDS的诊断采用2011年柏林新标准[9]。CLI定义为CRP(mg/dl)与血清白蛋白(g/L)的比值×100[5]。肺损伤预测评分(LIPS)的赋值标准见表 1

表 1 LIPS赋值标准

对符合入选脓毒症纳入标准的患者,入院后均记录其一般资料(性别、年龄、吸烟、饮酒史、基础疾病)、生命体征指标、并常规送检血常规、血生化、留取病原学标本并行相关培养。取入院24 h最差值行急性生理功能和慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ),入院当天行LIPS评分。根据是否合并ARDS分2组,ARDS组和非ARDS组。追踪每例患者28 d的生存结局。


应用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行分析,正态分布的计量资料以x±s表示,组间比较采用t检验;非正态分布的计量资料以中位数(四分位数间距)表示,采用非参数检验;计数资料采用χ2检验。利用Logistic回归分析确定预测脓毒症死亡的独立因素;绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,比较各指标ROC曲线下面积(AUC)。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

结果 一、2组患者的临床资料比较

2组患者的年龄、性别、基础疾病、感染的部位相比,差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),具有可比性。ARDS患者的乳酸、CRP、CLI、LIPS、APACHEⅡ评分及病死率均高于非ARDS组,血清白蛋白水平低于非ARDS组,差异均具有统计学意义(P均 < 0.05),见表 2

表 2 ARDS组与非ARDS组患者的临床资料比较

选取2组间有统计学差异的乳酸、ALB、CRP、CLI、LIPS分别作为协变量,以脓毒症并发ARDS作为因变量行Logistic回归分析,结果显示CLI、LIPS是预测脓毒症患者并发ARDS的独立危险因素,见表 3

表 3 预测脓毒症患者发生ARDS的Logistic回归分析

将Logistic回归分析所得的各指标对各个体预测概率作为ROC曲线协变量,以是否合并ARDS作为因变量,得到CLI的AUC为0.807(95%CI 0.757~0.856),最佳截断点4.99,此时敏感度为86.3%,特异度为63.4%;LIPS的AUC为0.823(95%CI 0.775~0.870),最佳截断值为5.25,此时敏感度91.1%,特异度58.5%。见图 1

图 1 CLI、LIPS预测脓毒症并发ARDS的ROC曲线







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