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  新医学  2017, Vol. 48 Issue (7): 512-514  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9802.2017.07.018

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刘志威, 赵利婷, 陈友鹏. 老年肛门内括约肌失弛缓症合并结肠巨大扩张一例[J]. 新医学, 2017, 48(7): 512-514.
Liu Zhiwei, Zhao Liting, Chen Youpeng. Internal anal sphincter achalasia complicated with massive dilatation of the colon in one elderly patient[J]. Journal of New Medicine, 2017, 48(7): 512-514.


陈友鹏, E-mail: youpeng.chen@163.com


刘志威, 赵利婷, 陈友鹏     
516300 惠州,广东医科大学附属惠东医院 惠东县人民医院消化内科(刘志威), 感染科(赵利婷); 510630 广州,暨南大学附属第一医院感染科(陈友鹏)
摘要: 肛门内括约肌失弛缓症以老年人群多见。该文报道了1例85岁男性患者,因反复腹胀2年、加重半个月入院,其腹部X线立位片示肠梗阻。腹部CT提示直肠以上结肠重度扩张,腹部明显积气,肛门镜进镜困难,进镜时患者肛门疼痛难忍,进镜后有大量粪水及气体排出。诊断为肛门内括约肌失弛缓症合并肠梗阻,给予肛门镜排气后腹胀减轻,但症状反复,经内科保守治疗仍然反复腹胀,转至上级医院行肛门内括约肌切除术。随访示患者术后腹胀症状较前减轻,可正常排气,但仍需辅助扩张肛门方可排便。该例的诊治提示,对于腹胀明显而无腹痛、肛门停止排气排便、肛门触诊疼痛而无其他病变患者,要考虑肛门内括约肌失弛缓症的可能。
关键词: 老年    肛门内括约肌失弛缓症    结肠扩张    
Internal anal sphincter achalasia complicated with massive dilatation of the colon in one elderly patient
Liu Zhiwei, Zhao Liting, Chen Youpeng     
Department of Digestive Diseases, Huidong Hospital Affiliated to Guangdong Medical University, Huidong County People's Hospital, Huizhou 516300, China
Corresponding author: Chen Youpeng, E-mail: youpeng.chen@163.com
Abstract: Internal anal sphincter achalasia primarily occurs in the elderly population. In this study, one male patient aged 85 was admitted to our hospital due to recurrent abdominal distension for 2 years and aggravation for half a month. Abdominal X-ray hinted the signs of intestinal obstruction. Abdominal CT prompted massive dilatation of the colon above the rectum and significant abdominal pneumatosis. It was difficult to insert the anal endoscope due to intolerable pain during the insertion of anal endoscope, and a large quanity of manure water and gas were discharged after the insertion of anal endoscope. He was diagnosed with internal anal sphincter achalasia complicated with intestinal obstruction. The symptoms were alleviated after anal gas discharge by insertion of anal endoscope. Abdominal distension and relevant symptoms recurred after conservative therapy. He was transferred to an upper level hospital for resection of internal sphincter muscle of anus. During postoperative follow-up, the abdominal distension symptoms were mitigated. The patient could normally expel flatus, whereas adjuvant dilator was required for defecation. The diagnosis and treatment of this case prompted that the possibility of internal anal sphincter achalasia should be considered for patients with severe abdominal distension without abdominal pain, loss of flatus and defecation function, palpable anal pain without other pathological changes.
Key words: Elderly    Internal anal sphincter achalasia    Dilatation of the colon    


病例资料 一、病史及体格检查

患者男,85岁。因反复腹胀2年,加重半个月于2016年8月29日17:40收入惠东县人民医院。患者于2年前无明显诱因出现腹胀,进食后明显,无腹痛,伴有每日解黄色稀水样便3~4次,每次量约50~200 g,每次解大便时有肛门坠胀感。未予重视及诊治,上述症状一直未见缓解。半个月前患者出现腹胀症状加重,以下腹及上腹为主。肛门停止排气、排便,无腹痛、恶心、呕吐。5年前患者曾行双侧膝关节置换术。

入院体格检查:体温36.4℃,脉搏90次/分,血压140/81 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),呼吸20次/分。腹部膨隆,腹部叩诊鼓音,腹肌稍紧,全腹无压痛及反跳痛,腹部脏器触诊不满意,肠鸣音减弱。肛门探查:肛周无红肿、溃烂,肛门难以进指,肛管内未触及肿物及包块。


血常规:血红蛋白130 g/L,白细胞10.5×109/L,红细胞5.5×1012/L,中性粒细胞8.7×109/L,淋巴细胞0.95×109/L,血小板254×109/L。电解质:血钾3.64 mmol/L。肝功能:ALT 32 U/L,AST 48 U/L,白蛋白45.4 g/L。肿瘤4项:甲胎蛋白1.99 μg/L,癌胚抗原3.79 μg/L,糖类抗原125 22.6 kU/L,糖类抗原19-9 20.4 kU/L,总前列腺特异性抗原18.7 μg/L (参考正常范围0 ~6.5 μg/L)。

腹部B超提示膀胱过度充盈,前列腺肥大。腹部X线立位片:肠梗阻(图 1)。腹部CT提示直肠以上结肠重度扩张,明显积气,直肠壁见少许钙化斑,全腹未见肿物或占位压迫表现(图 2)。

图 1 一例老年肛门内括约肌失弛缓症合并结肠巨大扩张患者的腹部立位X线片 白色箭头示肠腔大量积气
图 2 一例老年肛门内括约肌失弛缓症合并结肠巨大扩张患者的腹部CT 白色箭头示结肠肠腔明显扩张,局部可见粪便残留

初步拟诊:① 肛门内括约肌失弛缓症;② 肠梗阻。结合患者腹部B超结果,给予导尿处理,经导尿后有大量尿液引出,但患者腹胀症状未见缓解。考虑患者存在肠梗阻,灌肠后未见排便,无法进行肠道准备,且患者肛门进指困难,暂未实施肠镜检查。为进一步明确患者直肠肛门病变情况,予肛门镜检。肛门镜进镜时困难,患者自诉进镜时肛门疼痛难忍,进镜后肛门有大量气体排出,夹杂有棕黄色粪水流出,量约700 g,镜检未见肛管直肠有肿物或溃烂,未见内痔。经过肛门镜协助排气、排便后,患者腹胀症状迅速减轻,腹肌变软,并给予石蜡油及乳果糖通便处理。次日患者再次腹胀,自诉肛门无排气、排便,腹胀程度与入院前大致相同。遂每日行肛门镜协助排气,每次经肛门镜排气后腹胀症状明显减轻。后该患者因内科保守治疗仍然反复腹胀,肛门停止排气、排便,转至上级医院手术治疗。1个月后随访患者已行肛门内括约肌切除术,术后腹胀症状较前减轻,可正常排气,但仍需辅助扩张肛门方可排便。




肛门内括约肌失弛缓症多以内括约肌切除术进行治疗,也有采用肉毒素注射疗法解除肛门括约肌痉挛[4-6]。Friedmacher等[7]进行的一项关于手术下切除与肉毒素注射治疗效果对比荟萃分析认为,外科手术后的短暂性大便失禁率(OR=0.07,P<0.01)、治疗无反应性(OR=0.52,P=0.04)、随后的外科手术率(OR=0.18,P<0.01) 均低于肉毒素注射治疗方案。由此考虑本例患者病情,行外科手术治疗或许是一个较好的选择。

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