
514700 梅州,中山大学附属第三医院粤东医院肾内科
选择114例MHD患者,行腹部侧位X线平片检查,计算患者的腹主动脉钙化(AAC)积分,按照积分结果将MHD患者分为无或轻度钙化组和中或重度钙化组,分别检测2组患者的总胆固醇、血清肌酐、血铁、全段甲状旁腺素、血糖、血钙、血磷等指标,计算校正钙,统计透析龄和年龄、性别构成等数据。采用Logistic回归分析MHD患者血管钙化的影响因素,将单因素分析P < 0.10的因素纳入多因素分析。结果
114例MHD患者中,纳入无或轻度钙化组80例,中或重度钙化组34例。与无或轻度钙化组MHD患者比较,中或重度钙化组MHD患者的年龄较大,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。单因素Logistic回归显示患者的年龄、校正钙和血糖水平与血管钙化可能有关(P均 < 0.10)。把单因素分析P < 0.10的3个指标以及性别、钙磷乘积、PTH、透析龄纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,结果显示MHD患者的年龄、校正钙、钙磷乘积与血管钙化程度呈正相关(P均 < 0.05)。结论
关键词: 维持性血液透析 腹主动脉 血管钙化
Observation of maintenance hemodialysis patients complicated with vascular calcification
Liu Hongyong,
Zhang Yunqiang

Li Minjia,
Li Shengrong,
Liao Xueyuan,
Liao Zhibo,
Hong Dongmei,
Wu Yonglin
Department of Nephropathy, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Yuedong Hospital, Meizhou 514700, China
To investigate the risk factors of vascular calcification through analyzing the aorta status of the maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients.
In total, 114 MHD patients received lateral plain X-ray of the abdomen. The score of abdominal aorta calcification (AAC) was calculated. According to the AAC score, all MHD patients were divided into the no or mild calcification group, and moderate or severe calcification group. The levels of total cholesterol, serum creatinine, serum iron, intact parathyroid hormone, blood glucose, blood calcium and blood phosphorous were quantitatively measured in two groups. The corrected calcium, dialysis vintage, age and gender composition were calculated. The risk factors of vascular calcification in MHD patients were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. The factors with P < 0.10 analyzed by uni-variate logistic regression were included into multi-variate logistic regression analysis.
Among 114 MHD patients, 80 patients were assigned into the no or mild calcification group and 34 into the moderate or severe calcification group. Compared with the no or mild calcification group, the age of MHD patients was significantly older in the moderate or severe calcification group (P < 0.05). Uni-variate logistic regression analysis revealed that the age, corrected calcium and blood glucose level were probably correlated with the incidence of vascular calcification (all P < 0.10). Three parameters with statistical significance by uni-variate logistic regression, along with gender, product of calcium and phosphorus, PTH and dialysis vintage were included into the multi-variate logistic regression analysis. The statistical results demonstrated that the age, corrected calcium and product of calcium and phosphorus were positively correlated with the severity of vascular calcification (all P < 0.05).
The age, corrected calcium and product of calcium and phosphorus of MHD patients are the risk factors of vascular calcification. Lowering the blood calcium level is probably a vital approach to mitigate the severity of vascular calcification in MHD patients.
Key words: Maintenance hemodialysis Abdominal aorta Vascular calcification
在心血管系统的血管软组织中出现异常的矿质化现象称为血管钙化。在维持性血液透析(MHD)的患者中,血管钙化较为普遍。MHD患者经历的血液透析时间越长,出现血管钙化的几率越大。同时,由于心血管和瓣膜出现钙化现象而导致的MHD患者病死率大幅上升。据研究显示,终末期肾脏病的病死率与血管钙化有关[1]。有学者利用腹部侧位X线平片对患者进行腹主动脉钙化的检测,结果显示其钙化和冠状动脉钙化有关[2]。美国肾脏病基金会(KDIGO)在2009年曾表示,利用腹部侧位X线片代替CT对CKD 3~5期患者进行血管钙化水平成像检测是更为合理的[3]。国内有关MHD患者合并血管钙化情况的研究较少。为此,本研究分析MHD患者的主动脉情况,探讨导致MHD患者血管钙化的危险因素,现报告如下。
选择2016年6月至8月在我院血液净化中心行MHD治疗的114例患者。入组标准:透析时间超过3个月,每周2次透析,每次4 h,血流量200~250 ml/min,透析液流量500 ml/min,透析液钙浓度1.25~1.5 mmol/L。排除标准:甲状旁腺切除术后、心律失常、多发性骨髓瘤、淀粉样变性、恶性肿瘤或合并严重感染者。其中男68例、年龄(54.4±14.4)岁,女46例、年龄(54.9±12.8)岁。所有患者均已签署知情同意书。
记录患者性别、年龄、透析龄。透析前、后分别抽取患者的空腹静脉血5 ml,利用Beckman Coulter Unicel Dxi 800免疫分析系统、Beckman Coulter Unicel Dxc 800生化分析仪、Sysmex XN-1000血细胞分析仪检测血常规、CRP、PaCO2、全段甲状旁腺素(iPTH)、血尿素氮、尿酸、血清肌酐、总胆固醇、LDL、血糖、总铁结合力、铁蛋白、血清铁、钙、钾、磷、白蛋白,计算转铁蛋白饱和度(TSAT)、尿素氮下降率(URR)、校正钙、钙磷乘积。其中校正钙的计算公式为:校正钙=血清钙×0.02×(40-白蛋白)。
于患者透析后的次日行腹部侧位X线平片检查。使用Kauppila等(1997年)报道的半定量积分法,测量患者的第1~4腰椎位置对应的腹主动脉后壁和前壁的钙化斑块长度,并进行评分:① 钙化范围大于2/3的动脉壁长度为重度钙化,评3分;② 钙化范围累及1/3~2/3动脉壁为中等钙化,评2分;③ 钙化范围小于1/3的动脉壁长度为少量钙化,评1分;④ 无钙化评0分。由同一位放射科医师进行所有X线片的审阅及评分。每例患者的腹主动脉钙化总积分(AAC)从0~24分不等。根据CORD研究中的分段方法,将AAC≤4分的患者纳入无或轻度钙化组,AAC 5~16分的中度钙化者及AAC 16分以上的重度钙化者纳入中或重度钙化组[5]。
采用SPSS 22.0分析数据。符合正态分布的计量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验;不符合正态分布的计量资料用中位数(上、下四分位数)表示,组间比较采用秩和检验;计数资料以百分率表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。影响因素采用Logistic回归分析,将单因素分析P < 0.10的因素纳入多因素分析。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
纳入无或轻度钙化组80例,中或重度钙化组34例。与无或轻度钙化组MHD患者比较,中或重度钙化组MHD患者的年龄较大,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。其余指标组间比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),见表 1。
表 1
表 1 中或重度钙化组与无或轻度钙化组MHD患者的相关指标比较
指标 |
无或轻度钙化组(n=80) |
中或重度钙化组(n=34) |
χ2 /t//Z值 |
P值 |
男性[例(%)] |
47(58.8) |
21(61.7) |
0.090 |
0.764 |
年龄(岁) |
53.5(43.0, 61.0) |
59.5(54.0, 70.0) |
-3.610 |
< 0.001 |
透析龄(年) |
2.0(1.0, 3.0) |
2.5(1.0, 4.0) |
-1.281 |
0.200 |
血红蛋白(g/L) |
101(83, 117) |
104(84, 116) |
-0.034 |
0.973 |
透析前血尿素氮(mmol/L) |
28.0(23.6, 36.6) |
29.0(22.6, 36.2) |
-0.223 |
0.824 |
透析后血尿素氮(mmol/L) |
6.9(5.1, 10.4) |
8.4(5.5, 10.5) |
-0.836 |
0.403 |
血钾(mmol/L) |
4.90(4.60, 5.40) |
5.25(4.48, 6.00) |
-0.515 |
0.607 |
血铁(mmol/L) |
10.4(8.4, 13.8) |
10.3(8.3, 11.8) |
-0.842 |
0.400 |
铁蛋白(μg/L) |
202(74, 507) |
265(61, 772) |
-0.988 |
0.323 |
TSAT(%) |
24.0(18.7, 31.1) |
22.9(19.5, 28.4) |
-0.632 |
0.528 |
iPTH(ng/L) |
367(206, 663) |
298(99, 575) |
-1.158 |
0.247 |
血磷(mmol/L) |
2.17(1.73, 2.94) |
2.48(1.77, 3.13) |
-0.629 |
0.530 |
钙磷乘积(mmol2/L2) |
57.6(43.8, 73.9) |
62.1(50.0, 82.7) |
-1.313 |
0.189 |
血糖(mmol/L) |
7.2(5.9, 8.9) |
8.1(6.5, 11.9) |
-1.929 |
0.054 |
总胆固醇(mmol/L) |
4.53(3.41, 5.29) |
4.34(3.75, 5.00) |
-0.158 |
0.874 |
CRP(mg/L) |
3.0(2.0, 4.0) |
3.0(2.0, 5.0) |
-0.453 |
0.650 |
URR(%) |
74.3±6.9 |
72.6±6.0 |
1.239 |
0.218 |
白蛋白(g/L) |
41.1±3.5 |
40.2±4.7 |
1.060 |
0.291 |
总铁结合力(μmol/L) |
44.8±7.6 |
44.0±6.3 |
0.584 |
0.561 |
血钙(mmol/L) |
2.19±0.29 |
2.28±0.31 |
-1.561 |
0.121 |
校正钙(mmol/L) |
2.15±0.29 |
2.27±0.30 |
-1.957 |
0.053 |
PaCO2(mmol/L) |
16.6±3.4 |
16.9±3.6 |
-0.510 |
0.611 |
血尿酸(μmol/L) |
527±105 |
536±81 |
-0.442 |
0.659 |
血清肌酐(μmol/L) |
1 194±361 |
1 200±439 |
-0.084 |
0.933 |
LDL(mmol/L) |
2.13±0.73 |
2.13±0.78 |
-0.004 |
0.997 |
表 1 中或重度钙化组与无或轻度钙化组MHD患者的相关指标比较
单因素Logistic回归分析显示年龄、校正钙、葡萄糖与MHD患者腹主动脉钙化有关(P均<0.10),见表 2。因有关联的指标较少,参考既往文献[4],扩大多因素分析的范围,把单因素分析有意义的3个指标,以及性别、钙磷乘积、PTH、透析龄纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,结果显示年龄、校正钙、钙磷乘积与腹主动脉钙化呈正相关(P均 < 0.05),见表 3。
表 2
表 2 影响MHD组患者血管钙化的单因素Logistic回归分析
参数 |
B值 |
P值 |
Exp(B)值 |
95% CI for EXP(B) |
下限 |
上限 |
年龄(岁) |
1.079 |
< 0.001 |
2.942 |
1.604 |
5.395 |
男性[例(%)] |
-0.126 |
0.764 |
0.882 |
0.387 |
2.007 |
透析龄(年) |
0.126 |
0.583 |
1.134 |
0.724 |
1.778 |
透析前血尿素氮(mmol/L) |
-0.110 |
0.710 |
0.896 |
0.502 |
1.600 |
透析后血尿素氮(mmol/L) |
0.088 |
0.731 |
1.092 |
0.660 |
1.808 |
URR(%) |
-0.346 |
0.218 |
0.707 |
0.407 |
1.228 |
白蛋白(g/L) |
-0.257 |
0.292 |
0.773 |
0.479 |
1.248 |
血钾(mmol/L) |
0.122 |
0.619 |
1.130 |
0.699 |
1.826 |
血红蛋白(g/L) |
0.029 |
0.921 |
1.029 |
0.578 |
1.832 |
血铁(μmol/L) |
-0.178 |
0.459 |
0.837 |
0.523 |
1.340 |
铁蛋白(μg/L) |
0.294 |
0.170 |
1.342 |
0.882 |
2.043 |
总铁结合力(μmol/L) |
-0.160 |
0.557 |
0.852 |
0.498 |
1.456 |
TSAT(%) |
-0.102 |
0.641 |
0.903 |
0.589 |
1.385 |
iPTH(ng/L) |
-0.113 |
0.466 |
0.893 |
0.658 |
1.211 |
血钙(mmol/L) |
0.381 |
0.125 |
1.464 |
0.899 |
2.385 |
血磷(mmol/L) |
0.103 |
0.718 |
1.108 |
0.634 |
1.935 |
校正钙(mmol/L) |
0.470 |
0.059 |
1.601 |
0.982 |
2.611 |
钙磷乘积 |
0.429 |
0.221 |
1.536 |
0.772 |
3.057 |
PaCO2(mmol/L) |
0.137 |
0.608 |
1.146 |
0.680 |
1.932 |
血尿酸(mmol/L) |
0.107 |
0.656 |
1.113 |
0.695 |
1.784 |
血清肌酐(μmol/L) |
0.024 |
0.932 |
1.024 |
0.591 |
1.775 |
血糖(mmol/L) |
0.360 |
0.032 |
1.433 |
1.031 |
1.991 |
总胆固醇(mmol/L) |
0.027 |
0.934 |
1.028 |
0.540 |
1.956 |
LDL(mmol/L) |
0.002 |
0.997 |
1.002 |
0.495 |
2.027 |
CRP(mg/L) |
0.003 |
0.997 |
1.003 |
0.205 |
4.902 |
表 2 影响MHD组患者血管钙化的单因素Logistic回归分析
表 3
表 3 影响MHD组患者血管钙化因素的多因素Logistic回归分析
参数 |
B值 |
SE值 |
Wald值 |
P值 |
Exp(B)值 |
95% CI for EXP(B) |
下限 |
上限 |
性别 |
-0.215 |
0.512 |
0.176 |
0.675 |
0.807 |
0.296 |
2.202 |
年龄 |
1.730 |
0.439 |
15.512 |
< 0.001 |
5.638 |
2.384 |
13.333 |
透析龄 |
0.241 |
0.353 |
0.467 |
0.494 |
1.273 |
0.637 |
2.544 |
iPTH |
-0.153 |
0.233 |
0.433 |
0.510 |
0.858 |
0.543 |
1.354 |
校正钙 |
0.799 |
0.342 |
5.469 |
0.019 |
2.223 |
1.138 |
4.343 |
钙磷乘积 |
1.595 |
0.55 |
8.419 |
0.004 |
4.929 |
1.678 |
14.479 |
血糖 |
0.401 |
0.212 |
3.59 |
0.058 |
1.493 |
0.986 |
2.260 |
表 3 影响MHD组患者血管钙化因素的多因素Logistic回归分析
血磷水平的控制是患者治疗过程中的关键,根据肾脏病预后质量倡议(K/DOQI)指南:透析患者或肾小球滤过率低于15 ml/(min·1.73 m2)者的血磷水平要尽量控制在1.13~1.78 mmol/L,血钙水平保持在0.88~1.38 mmol/L的常规低限,钙磷乘积应低于4.44 mmol2/L2。对于患者可能会出现的甲状旁腺功能亢进应适时、有效地使用骨化三醇,透析充分、改善机体脂质的异常代谢和慢性炎症同样是防止患者血管钙化的重要方法。
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