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  新医学  2018, Vol. 49 Issue (5): 333-336  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9802.2018.05.007

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吴挺丰, 黎洁瑶, 王思仪, 许稷豪, 陈其奎, 于涛. 表现为胃肠道症状的脊柱结核患者临床特点的回顾性分析[J]. 新医学, 2018, 49(5): 333-336.
Wu Tingfeng, Li Jieyao, Wang Siyi, Xu Jihao, Chen Qikui, Yu Tao. Retrospective analysis of clinical characteristics of spinal tuberculosis patients presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms[J]. Journal of New Medicine, 2018, 49(5): 333-336.






吴挺丰, 黎洁瑶, 王思仪, 许稷豪, 陈其奎, 于涛     
510120 广州,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院消化内科
摘要: 目的 探讨表现为胃肠道症状(GIS)的脊柱结核患者的发病部位及临床表现。方法 选取住院就诊的脊柱结核患者。根据是否表现为GIS,将患者分为GIS组和非GIS(NGIS)组。比较2组患者脊柱感染节段分布和并发症发生率。结果 共纳入36例GIS组患者和162例NGIS组患者。GIS组患者脊柱病变椎体节段主要在胸7~11,占病变椎体节段总数的59.8%(64/107),而NGIS组患者病变椎体节段主要在胸12~腰5,占总数的57.3%(231/403),2组脊柱病变节段分布差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。GIS组和NGIS组分别有10例(27.8%)和13例(8.0%)患者出现神经根压迫,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.001);GIS组有23例患者(63.9%)出现椎旁、腰大肌冷脓肿,高于NGIS组(46.9%,P=0.032)。椎管内脓肿发生率在2组间比较差异无统计学意义(8.3% vs. 3.7%, P=0.445)。结论 表现为GIS的脊柱结核患者,其脊柱病变节段主要位于低位胸段,且有更高的脊柱神经根压迫、椎旁和腰大肌冷脓肿并发症发生率。
关键词: 脊柱结核    胃肠道症状    病变椎体    并发症    
Retrospective analysis of clinical characteristics of spinal tuberculosis patients presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms
Wu Tingfeng, Li Jieyao, Wang Siyi, Xu Jihao, Chen Qikui, Yu Tao     
Department of Gastroenterology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China
Corresponding author: Li Jieyao, E-mail:173745022@qq.com
Abstract: Objective To investigate the onset site and clinical symptoms of spinal tuberculosis patients presenting with gastrointestinal symptom(GIS). Methods Patients with spinal tuberculosis who were hospitalized at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from January 2003 to December 2016 were selected. Based upon the incidence of GIS, all patients were divided into the GIS and non-GIS (NGIS) groups. The distribution of infected spinal segments and the incidence of complications were statistically compared between two groups. Results In this study, 36 patients were assigned into the GIS group and 162 into the NGIS group. In the GIS group, the affected spinal segments were predominantly located from thoracic (T) 7 to 11, accounting for 59.8% (64/107), and 57.3% (231/403) from T12 to lumber (L) 5 in the NGIS group. The distribution of the infected segments significantly differed between two groups (P < 0.001). In the GIS group, the incidence rate of spinal cord compression was 27.8% (10/36), significantly higher compared with 8.0% (13/162) in the NGIS group (P=0.001). In the GIS group, 63.9% patients (23/36) presented with paravertebral or psoas abscess, considerably higher than 46.9% (76/162) in the NGIS group (P=0.032). The incidence of intraspinal abscess did not significantly differ between the GIS and NGIS groups (8.3% vs. 3.7%, P=0.445). Conclusions For spinal tuberculosis patients presenting with GIS, the lower thoracic segments are primarily affected. Moreover, the incidence of spinal cord compression, paravertebral and psoas abscess is significantly higher compared with their counterparts without GIS.
Key words: Spinal tuberculosis    Gastrointestinal symptom    Affected vertebrae    Complication    

脊柱结核是由于结核杆菌感染所引起的脊柱及其周围组织的炎症,也被称为Pott's disease,是一种常见的肺外结核疾病,其发病例数约占骨结核病的50%[1]。肺外结核疾病患者,尤其是脊柱结核的患者,当无合并肺结核感染时,因对感染部位定位存在困难,不能有效地检出患病的人群,所以往往得不到重视[2]。另一方面,脊柱结核患者通常并不表现出明显症状或体征,直到疾病发展到晚期,患者才会开始出现不适,最常见的症状是腰痛[3]。但有时脊柱结核患者主诉的症状并不典型,有的患者会表现为胃肠道症状(GIS)如上腹痛、腹胀、胸骨后不适感等,求医就诊,这使得诊断的难度提高,患者也因此接受不必要的检查、无效的治疗,以及支付额外的诊疗费用[4-7]。到目前为止,一些研究报道了相关的案例,认为GIS与脊柱结核有关,是结核感染相应脊柱部位引起的神经牵涉痛所导致[8-10]


对象与方法 一、研究对象


二、方法 1. 分组

根据脊柱结核引起的症状的不同,将研究对象分成GIS组和非GIS(NGIS)组。对满足以下条件的纳入GIS组:经腹部超声、腹部影像学相关检查(X线片、CT、MRI)、胃镜、结肠镜检查排除胃肠道器质性病变;出现GIS 1周内未使用可引起症状的药物、食物;排除器质性胃肠疾病、药物、食物引起的GIS,按照功能性胃肠疾病规律治疗后,GIS无明显缓解的患者。其余患者纳入NGIS组。

2. 数据收集



采用SPSS 19.0进行统计分析。计量资料以x±s表示,组间比较使用独立样本t检验。分类变量用率表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。P < 0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

结果 一、GIS组和NGIS组脊柱结核患者一般情况比较

本次研究共纳入198例脊柱结核患者,其中男97例、女101例。患者年龄3~86岁、平均年龄为(44.7±19.1)岁。GIS组36例,男21例、女15例,年龄3~85岁、平均年龄为(43.8±20.1)岁。NGIS组162例,男86例、女76例,年龄4~86岁、平均年龄为(44.9±19.0)岁。GIS组和NGIS组年龄和性别构成比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),见表 1

表 1 GIS组和NGIS组脊柱结核患者一般情况比较

GIS组36例患者共107个脊柱病变椎体,NGIS组162例患者共403个病变椎体(一例患者可有多个病变椎体)。其中GIS组患者的脊柱病变节段主要在胸7(8.4%)、胸8(15.0%)、胸9(13.1%)、胸10(12.2%)、胸11(11.2%),共占总数的59.8%(64/107);NGIS组脊柱病变节段主要在胸12(8.2%)、腰1~5(49.1%),占总数的57.3%(231/403);2组患者脊柱病变节段分布差异比较有统计学意义(χ2=75.395,P < 0.001),见图 1

图 1 脊柱结核患者在不同表现症状下脊柱病变节段的分布 A. GIS组患者脊柱病变椎体的分布情况;B. NGIS组患者脊柱病变椎体的分布情况

GIS组和NGIS组分别有10例(27.8%)和13例(8.0%)患者出现脊髓神经根压迫,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.001)。GIS组23例(63.9%)患者有椎旁或腰大肌冷脓肿,而NGIS组有76例(46.9%),组间比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.032)。GIS组和NGIS组分别有3例(8.3%)和6例(3.7%)患者出现椎管内脓肿,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.445),见表 2

表 2 GIS组和NGIS组脊柱结核患者并发症发生率的比较


表 1中可见,GIS组与NGIS组的患者之间,并无明显的性别与年龄差异,提示不典型GIS的发生与患者年龄及性别无明显关系,其发生由其他因素造成。




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