Peer review is an effective means and objective method to ensure academic quality. Reviewers play a crucial role in the publication practice of the Journal of New Medicine. All submitted manuscripts must undergo the following peer review procedure.
Peer Review Method
The Journal of New Medicine adopts a "double-blind" review process, ensuring that both reviewers and authors remain anonymous during and after the review process, with their identities kept confidential.
Reviewer Selection
Whenever possible, the journal matches reviewers with papers based on their specific expertise. The journal's reviewer database is continuously updated. Authors are welcome to recommend reviewers; however, recommended reviewers will not be assigned to review the manuscripts of the recommenders but will instead be used to expand the reviewer database.
Reviewer Comments
Reviewers will evaluate manuscripts based on the following aspects:
1) Whether the research ideas and methods (including data) are original.
2) Whether the research methods are sound.
3) Whether the research results are clear and support the conclusions.
4) Whether relevant literature is appropriately and comprehensively cited.
5) Whether the study adheres to scientific ethics, regarding plagiarism in particular.
6) Whether the study makes a novel and significant contribution to the field.
Language editing is not part of the peer review process; however, reviewers are encouraged to provide suggestions on language and style. In the final round of review, the managing editor will check the language and style and may request revisions from the authors or make direct edits to the manuscript.
Review Time
Each article will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, and the time required for review depends on the reviewers' response time. The first round of review typically takes two weeks, with a maximum of three months. If there are conflicting opinions among reviewers or if a reviewer fails to provide timely feedback, an additional expert will be invited to review the manuscript. The reviewers' revision comments will be processed by the editor and then forwarded to the authors, along with detailed feedback on the manuscript.
Final Review
The decision to publish a manuscript is made through a review by the editorial board,
with the final approval by the editor-in-chief. The editorial department handles manuscripts in strict accordance with the vocational ethical guidelines for editors of scientific journals. The final decision, whether to accept or reject the submission, will be communicated to the authors along with the reviewers' recommendations.
Special Issues and Columns
Manuscripts submitted for special issues and columns undergo the same peer review process as regular submissions. They are reviewed by the editorial board, and the final decision on acceptance is made by the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief assumes full responsibility for all contents in the journal, including special issues and columns.
Appealing Against Peer Review Comments
If authors disagree with the reviewers' comments, they may submit an appeal. Authors are required to prepare a written appeal, specifying the manuscript number, and send it to The appeal must provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for the appeal, including a comprehensive and reasonable response to the reviewers' comments. The editorial department will decide whether to accept the appeal based on the specific circumstances.
After a paper is published, the journal welcomes readers to engage in discussions regarding the academic contributions of the paper. Additionally, readers are also encouraged to monitor academic misconduct and actively report relevant feedback to the journal, fostering a sound academic environment. Readers may submit their comments to the journal's email address. The editorial department will process them as quickly as possible and provide feedback as appropriate.
Online Review Operation Guide
Step 1: Click on "Remote Expert Review" under the "Online Office System" on the right side of the homepage.
Step 2: Enter the username and password sent to you by the editor via email or SMS. For example:
Step 3: After logging into the expert review system, if this is your first time logging in, you may browse the information bar on the left side. It is recommended that you update your personal information and change your login password.
Step 4: Your pending manuscripts will be listed in the manuscript list. You can click the "Manuscript Content" button in the list to download the manuscript to your computer. For example:
You can also click on the links under "Manuscript Content" in the workspace below to view the manuscript directly in various formats. For example:
Step 5: Click "Submit Review Comments" in the workspace to begin the review process:
A. If you feel the manuscript is not suitable for your review, you can scroll to the bottom of the page, click the "Decline to Review" button, and confirm.
B. You can select options under the "Overall Evaluation of the Manuscript" section. These fields are not mandatory, and you may choose the options you deem appropriate. Then, you may enter your comments for the editorial department and the authors respectively in the text boxes below. (Authors can view the comments intended for them through the author submission system on this website in real time.). For example:
C. If you have saved your review comments in another document format, you may also click the "Insert Review Comments Attachment" button, select the file path, and click "Upload Attachment Content". The editor will receive your uploaded document immediately. For example:
D. If you have downloaded the original manuscript and made revisions personally on it, you may click the "Upload Revised Manuscript" button to upload your revised version.
E. If you feel your review is not yet final or need to temporarily pause your current review activity, you may click the "Save Temporarily" button. You can continue your work later based on the current progress or make changes to the existing results.
Step 6: If you believe your review is finalized, click the "Review Completed" button. This concludes the review process. Thank you for your cooperation!